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Ernest "Barney" Eugene Lewis

Ernest "Barney" Eugene Lewis, age 74, of Harrison, Arkansas.

Ernest "Barney" Eugene Lewis, age 74, of Harrison, Arkansas, passed away at his cabin on February 20, 2025.

He was an Army Vietnam Era Veteran. He served our country well. He was known for his amazing masonry work, building fireplaces, retaining walls, and much more. He was also a great carpenter, doing beautiful woodwork and trim. Barney was a hard worker even in his 70’s, helping build his sister and brothers-in-law’s house. He was a jack of all trades, being a decent mechanic was one of them. In the last few years, he installed a transmission. Barney was self-employed most of his life.

His life was his dog, Waldo. If you saw Barney, you saw his dog. They were inseparable. He loved watching NASCAR anytime it was on the TV. He was a diehard Danny Hamblin fan. Barney was a man of nature and loved being outside. He loved going hiking, arrowhead hunting, deer hunting, mushroom hunting, camping, and fishing. Another love he had was spending time with his great nieces Blair, Tinny, and AJ and one great nephew Preston. One of his favorite hobbies was giving his brother-in-law a hard time and messing with him every chance he got.

He is preceded in death by his precious son Scottie Lewis, his parents Claud and Retha Lewis, brothers Dale Lewis and Kenneth "Mouse" Lewis, sisters Julie Sims and Reta McAfee.

He is out lived by one very special sister Brenda Oliver and brother-in-law Jerry that was there for him and took care of him for many years, Sharon Brown, Ray Lewis, Chester(Dana) Lewis, Earl(Lena) Lewis, Judy(Randy) McCutcheon, David(Nina) Lewis, son Spencer, numerous grandkids and great grandkids, two special friends Pam and Jackie, and a special niece Sheena.

Pallbearers are Jackie and Joshua Veach, Timmy, Camron, and Carson Flippo, and Preston Eppes.

There will be a graveside service on Wednesday February 26, 2025, at 2pm, at Grubb Springs Cemetery with Doug Grinder officiating.

Funeral arrangements are under the care of Diamond State Cremation in Lead Hill, Arkansas. Condolences may be made at

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