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Jerry Christeen Jenks

Jerry Christeen Jenks, age 75, of Branson, Missouri.

Jerry Christeen Jenks, age 75, of Branson, Missouri passed away peacefully at her home on March 6, 2025.

She was born June 3,1949, in Harrison, Arkansas, to Gilbert and Opal (Faught) Jenks of Jasper, Arkansas. She was raised in Jasper, where in high school she became valedictorian of her senior class. Being skilled with numbers, Jerry earned a degree in accounting from Arkansas Tech University in Russellville and worked many years in that profession. As a child of northwest Arkansas, she loved spending time on the Buffalo River canoeing, swimming, and fishing. Also, Jerry enjoyed cheering on her favorite sports teams, especially the Arkansas Razorbacks, St. Louis Cardinals, and the Kansas City Chiefs.

She was preceded in death and will be heavenly reuniting with her beloved husband of thirty years, William Scaife; her parents: Gilbert and Opal Jenks; infant brother, George Bruce; father and mother-in-law: Billy and Barbara Scaife; sister-in-law, Ruthie Jenks and Debbie Scaife; brothers-in-law: Gene Staggs, Ricky Scaife, and Jerry Scaife; and nephew, Michael Kirkpatrick.

Jerry is survived by her son, David Scaife and wife, Julia of Branson, Missouri; sister, June Staggs of Fayetteville; brother, Mike Jenks of Jasper; stepdaughters: Jennifer (Brian) Palmer of Magnolia and Staci (Michael) Ener of Wynn; mother-in-law, Bobbie Scaife of Rio Hondo; sisters-in-law: Barbie (Donald Ray) Washburn of Marvell and Darlene Scaife of Taylor; and many other cherished family members.

The memories and moments created throughout her life will be treasured forever.

No formal services are planned at this time. Arrangements and cremation are under the direction of Cremations of the Ozarks.

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