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Kenny Dean Edmonds

Kenny Dean Edmonds of Branson, Mo. 53 years old.

Kenny Dean Edmonds of Branson, Mo. 53 years old, passed away on Tuesday, March 4 2025. Kenny was born June 25, 1971 in Illinois. Kenny graduated from Pleasant Plains High school. Kenny served in the United States Air Force. He was loved by many family and friends.

Kenny was preceded in death by his fathers Sam Edmonds and Ken Houchin, brothers Sam Edmonds Jr and Scott Houchin.

Kenny is survived by wife Natasha, her children Savannah and Noah Richardson his sons Alex and Dominic Edmonds, their mother Sherri and sister Taylor Robinson. His mother Rosa Houchin, Sister Stacy (Richard) Connolly, Brother Kevin (Becky) Edmonds, Brother Robert (Tracy) Houchin, Sister Elizabeth Edmonds, Sister Victoria (Brad) Baird, Sister Patty Ullrick, Sister Michelle Houchin, Sister Lisa Edmonds, Sister Samantha Edmonds, Sister Kimberly Edmonds and Brother Daniel Edmonds. Many Nieces and Nephews including Courtney (Alex) Huffman, Kala (Jason) Edmonds, Paxton (Amber) Edmonds, Loryn (Steven) Appleton, Tristan McNease, Preston Connolly and Matthew Connolly. Many Great Nieces and Nephews, Aunts, Uncles, Cousins, and Friends.

Kenny will be laid to rest at the Missouri Veterans Cemetery, Graveside services will be at 1:00PM, Tuesday, March 11, 2025.

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