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Linda Fae Davis

Linda Fae Davis, age 67, of Cassville, Missouri

            Linda Fae Davis, age 67, of Cassville, Missouri passed away Friday, September 10, 2021 at her home.

            She was born September 3, 1954 in Chicago, Illinois, the daughter of Harold and Lillian (Stiechman) Davis, who preceded her in death.  Also preceding her in death were two brothers, Paul and William.

            Surviving are two sisters, Peggy Klusek of Black Canyon City, Arizona and Pam Davis of Cassville, Missouri and several nieces and nephews.

            Linda grew up and attended school in Carpentersville, Illinois, graduating from Crown High School.  While living in Illinois she was employed by Builders Square as a shipping and receiving manager.  In 2004 she moved to Cassville.  She loved going to the public library, reading books and spending time with her friends.

            No services are scheduled at this time.  Cremation arrangements are under direction of Fohn Funeral Home in Cassville.

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Cassville, Missouri


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