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Firefighters Battle Residential Structure Fire at Pointe Royale
Firefighters from Branson and Western Taney County battle a blaze and the cold weather battling a structure fire that started late Thursday afternoon.
Former Taney County Health Department Official Pleads Guilty to Stealing Money
A guilty plea is entered by a man charged with stealing from the Taney County Health Department.
MO Lawmakers Debated Parental Control of Public School
Legislators on the Missouri House Education Committee debated a bill Wednesday which allows parents more control over teaching curriculums in public schools.
Social Media Tax Talk Corrected
Councilman Mitch Magness addressed the community during the Feb. 13 City Council meeting about Harrison having the lowest sales tax of any city similar in size in Arkansas.
Snow Totals Around the Lakes Region
While some parts of the Ozarks received less snow than predicted, totals collected for the Lakes Region ended up close to projections.
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Pioneering Quality in the Steel Industry
Branson Steel Supply
Can a Contractor Take Over Your Home
Attorney Dayrell Scrivner, of Scrivner Law Firm, LLC in Branson, Missouri, tells us!
Frozen Pipes, Hot Water Heaters, and Dishwasher Mishaps
Kleen Green Commercial & Residential Property Restoration and Cleaning in Branson, MO
Choosing the Right Trailer: A Comprehensive Guide
Ozarks Trailer Manufacturer & Sales
Maintaining Your Trailer
Expert Advice: Maintaining Your Trailer - Tips from Reid Cone of Ozark Trailer MFG & Sales
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Local Sports
Basketball Update
Of the games scheduled to be covered by MOARK Sports Dot Com, one basketball doubleheader has been postponed while another is a go.
MOARK Basketball Update: Games Postponed, Rescheduled
The Winter Storm that hit the Lakes Region on Tuesday continues to impact the High School Basketball Schedule.
Basketball Monday Night, No Basketball Tonight
While High School Basketball and most other activities are shutdown for the next couple of days due to Winter Storm Kingston, some games were played Monday night.
Monday Basketball Update: Several Games Moved, Make-Up Due to Weather
With Winter Storm Kingston bearing down on the Lakes Region, High School Basketball schedules are already being impacted.
Friday Basketball: Fair Grove Edges Forsyth, Harrison and Reeds Spring Sweep
A recap of Friday High School Basketball on MOARK Sports.
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